Become a Deakin Beta Alpha Psi Associate Member
Before you complete this application please ensure you: 
 • Are currently enrolled in an accounting, finance, business analytics or information systems course or major; and
 • Have a WAM of 70+ (calculate your WAM); and
 • Have achieved 8 credit points if you are an Undergraduate student (e.g. Bachelor); or 
 • Have achieved 4 credit points if you are a Postgraduate student (e.g. Master);
Are you enrolled in a BAP eligible course or major/specialisation?
They are: Accounting, Finance, Business Analytics and Information Systems 
Degree Type: 

Undergraduate - e.g. Bachelor of Commerce
Postgraduate - e.g Master of Business Analytics
*Campus enrolled at:
As of date of application:

If you are a undergraduate student - have you successfully completed 8 units? 
If you are a postgraduate student - have you successfully completed 4 units? 
Do you currently meet our WAM requirement of 70+? (Calculate your WAM)
* I agree:
  1. That my eligibility (WAM 70+, enrolled course, units completed) for associate member/ executive positions will be verified by Faculty of Business and Law staff.
    If eligible, Deakin BAP Student Executive who are current Deakin Students will know that your WAM is at least 70+ and will inform you via the email with outcomes .
  2. To be considerate and respectful towards all BAP members.
  3. For photos of me from BAP events to be used to assist where appropriate in promotion of Deakin BAP.